Grief & Loss
A person absorbed by grief or bereavement suffers a deep sorrow due to an irretrievable loss–the death of a loved one, the dissolution of a marriage, the empty nest, the loss of a faculty like sight or hearing, even the death of a beloved pet. In today’s world, catastrophes due to racial violence, climate change and the pandemic have thrown many people into a state of grief over the loss of a world, a time, a culture, a neighborhood, as well as one’s former hopes and dreams about the future. The encompassing range of emotions include fear, anger and deep, deep sadness.
Mourning loss is a process. Many of the ways by which people have traditionally mourned are no longer accessible or are no longer available. Still, mourning, grief and loss are unique to each person depending on one’s background, beliefs, and the investment in the person or thing that has been lost.
Common symptoms of grief can involve the body, the mind and one’s link to the social world. It may be that the mourning person is able and wants to return to daily routines and yet still needs a private place to speak of how the loss continues to impact one’s inner life. Or perhaps the weight of the mourning has made it impossible to engage daily routines, relationships, and responsibilities.
Both psychotherapy and psychoanalysis are effective in restoring well-being. By speaking of your loss, expressing your emotions, and processing your grief you can come to terms with your loss, mourn fully, and then let go in the time and manner that is right for you.
If you are distressed by grief-related thoughts, behaviors, or feelings reach out, contact me. I can help.